Training, Open Source Programming Languages

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Our email: • Phone: 01144 1225 708225

For 2023 (and 2024 ...) - we are now fully retired from IT training.
We have made many, many friends over 25 years of teaching about Python, Tcl, Perl, PHP, Lua, Java, C and C++ - and MySQL, Linux and Solaris/SunOS too. Our training notes are now very much out of date, but due to upward compatability most of our examples remain operational and even relevant ad you are welcome to make us if them "as seen" and at your own risk.

Lisa and I (Graham) now live in what was our training centre in Melksham - happy to meet with former delegates here - but do check ahead before coming round. We are far from inactive - rather, enjoying the times that we are retired but still healthy enough in mind and body to be active!

I am also active in many other area and still look after a lot of web sites - you can find an index ((here))
Object Orientation and General technical topics module Q915
Principles of Model - View - Controller
Exercises, examples and other material relating to training module Q915. This topic is presented on public courses Ruby on Rails, %dj%

Articles and tips on this subjectupdated
4691Real life PHP application using our course training MVC example
Yesterday, I had a requirement to write a multistage web application, using an existing look and feel template, and I did so using the training example from our Learning to Program in PHP. Quick and easy - most of the work is (or was) in working out the text and factors involved - the data - rather ...
4641Using an MVC structure - even without a formal framework
Whether you choose to use a formal framework or not for your web application, understanding the principles of router - model - view - controller and separateting elements of your code into those areas, and considering the whole to be wrapped in a frameowrk with helper functions / methods makes sense. ...
4527Hello Flask world / Python web micro framework
Flask is a microframework for web appliactions - in other words, it provides the structure for you to write web based applications on your server in Python without the need to get involved with detailed coding common to most applications - allyou need to is to take the framework provided and fill in ...
4391Refactoring Perl applications to give them a rosy future
I'm doing some contract work at the moment to help sort out a Perl / CGI web solution that's been running well for a number of years, but needs enhancements and a route forward, and for which the original team's no longer available having moved into other full time employment. And it strikes me from ...
4320An example of Model-View-Controller techniques in a Perl / CGI script
Separating out the look and feel of a web application, the calculation logic involved therein, the standard stuff that's needed in most web applications, and the glue that holds the pieces together was become pretty standard web programming practise. We call the look and feel the VIEW We call the calculation ...
4114Teaching CodeIgniter - MVC and PHP
CodeIgniter is becoming a very popular web Framework for PHP, and I can see why. Another private session today with a customer who wanted to go through the whole MVC thing - well experienced in web and PHP, and objects too... just needing to get into Frameworks to write code that's more re-usable and ...
4066MVC and Frameworks - a lesson from first principles in PHP
PHP is a nice, easy entry level embedded tagging system - an "HTML++" language in which programmers and web site developers can drop elements of code into a web page and perform simple and straigtforward tasks very quickly. But the downside of that is that the resultant file very quickly becomes a confusing ...
4010Really Simple Rails
Rails is a "Web Framwork" that uses code written in the Ruby language to do the things that vary from one web application to another. There are a huge number of features common to many web applications, and by using a framework you can save yourself the trouble of rewriting all these common things, ...
3919What is a web framework?
When you write web applications, there are many features you'll need which mirror features other people have needed too. Now - there's nothing to stop you writing your own code (maybe in Ruby, Python or Perl) including these features ... but wouldn't it be better to use the feature set that someone ...
2612The Model, View, Controller architecture (MVC) - what, why and how.
You may have heard the "Model, View, Controller" mantra being bandied about, but what does it mean, why are some people so keen on it, and does it work? Where is it used? What does MVC (Model, View, Controller) really mean? It means that you divide your program / application into three areas. The ...
3705Django Training Courses - UK
We run regular public Python courses - for newcomers to programming (Learning to Program in Python) and for delegates with prior programming in another language (our Python Programming course). If you're going to be using Python within the Django web framework, we can extend the course to cover that ...
3624Why do we need a Model, View, Controller architecture?
In the very early days of the web, it was a source of data - with files of marked up text (in HTML) being sent out to a browser program by a server running on a central computer. Requests to the central server were made in http (Hypertext transfer protocol), and the responses were translated by the ...
3454Your PHP website - how to factor and refactor to reduce growing pains
As your project grows ... what do you change? In an ideal world, you would know exactly what you were coding before you started, and write the full job to spec to last for many years. This isn't an ideal world, though. Our web site has changed over the years - we now have "version 8" (See [here] to ...
3237Using functions to keep look and feel apart from calculations - simple C example
There are a number of distinct elements in any program. • There's the look and feel of the program to the outside world - what it says as it prompts, how its forms are displayed on a web page, the formatting of the results, how it reports errors, etc. • There's the calculation bit that ...
2199Improving the structure of your early PHP programs
When you first coded in PHP, you probably wrote a different script to handle each form in a series - it's the natural way when you're early in the learning process, but it can lead to repeated code that's hard to follow, and some really horrid complicated conditionals. On Saturday and Sunday, I demonstrated ...
687Presentation, Business and Persistence layers in Perl and PHP
I've been writing about the Presentation, Business and Persistence tiers (and within each of them the MVC or Model, View, Controller or MVC structure) for a JBoss presentation I'm doing this week - but I scarcely expected to find myself putting them to good if unusual use this evening when sorting out ...
Examples from our training material   4 layer model - business logic for selecting bus futures   Web Helpers - updated for bus future choice example   Weights table - bus future choice
choice.php   Framework - Bus Service Choice   Bus user choice - the things the user must weigh up
o247.htp   Tempate for bus service choice   result text - bus service choice demo
Background information
Some modules are available for download as a sample of our material or under an Open Training Notes License for free download from [here].
Topics covered in this module
Architectuires for a web application.
The importance of keeping the elements apart.
Model - View - Controller - a look at each.
The Python way - frameworks such as Django.
The Ruby way - Ruby on Rails.
The PHP way - 4 layer model / Smartie, etc.
Complete learning
If you are looking for a complete course and not just a information on a single subject, visit our Listing and schedule page.

Well House Consultants specialise in training courses in Ruby, Lua, Python, Perl, PHP, and MySQL. We run Private Courses throughout the UK (and beyond for longer courses), and Public Courses at our training centre in Melksham, Wiltshire, England. It's surprisingly cost effective to come on our public courses - even if you live in a different country or continent to us.

We have a technical library of over 700 books on the subjects on which we teach. These books are available for reference at our training centre.

© WELL HOUSE CONSULTANTS LTD., 2024: 48 Spa Road • Melksham, Wiltshire • United Kingdom • SN12 7NY
PH: 01144 1225 708225 • EMAIL: • WEB: • SKYPE: wellho

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