Here's how people have answered our random questions.

32 - Day out to Weymouth34 - Day out to London
28 - Early Bird37 - Night Owl
45 - Front Door19 - Back Door
39 - Scone with Fruit24 - Scone without Fruit
35 - Head31 - Heart
48 - Stairs16 - Lift
50 - Raincoat14 - Macintosh
30 - Timid34 - Adventurous
20 - Blonde43 - Brunette
28 - Cup Final34 - Olympics
11 - Blankets53 - Duvet
28 - Just in Time37 - Far in Advance

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  @wellho asks you to answer 12 pointless questions that make you think - and turn out not to be so pointless.

Total answer sets - 70. Each row may add up to lower number if people have skipped questions.
Want to answer the questions yourself? Go to [here]
Watch the Horse's Mouth for updates on what people have answered.

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